Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BWP Gathering

I took advantage of having mate Rod D in town to call a hastily promoted opportunity for people to come and listen to some learnings from the 'Upper Room' Project in Melbourne, to flesh out my concept for Salt [Factory] and to give people a chance to explore and respond!!

I had 3 or 4 apologies and four of us enjoyed a fine meal at the Newcastle Harbour 'Blue Water Pizza' BWP!!

Some learnings included:
Start soon and stick to a set day or date monthly e.g. 1st of month, second Tuesday or alt.
Plan gatherings and grow momentum and punters by starting and carrying on
Involve all in envisioning and planning and even in creating the space we'll gather in

I reported that:
'Renew Newcastle' is much more interested in a regular project like every day or every week where we'd start with a monthly gathering.... but maybe they've exhausted their applicants and they'd accept a creative plan that was different to that
Conversation with ministry agents around the city had been positive and we were encouraged to 'have a go'
Stay tuned for a 'next event' with 3-4 weeks notice and then a schedule for the remainder of 2009!!

It seems a number of people are keen and we'll have a good core for planning and engaging in early happenings to get us rolling!!

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