Friday, December 19, 2008

More on the Ethos of Salt Factory

  • Authenticity or 'being real' and as honest as possible
  • At mission in our context or a bunch of people challenged to see, hear and be aware of what's happening in the lives and community of those around us
  • Exploring spiritual practices, worship and it's connections with daily life in creative ways
  • Open to a variety of people with a focus on young adults and adults identifying mission to younger generations as central
  • Fun
  • A variety of ways to gather which will happen 'monthly'
  • Perhaps a space for those who seek meaning, identity, belonging and faith shaping who are not currently connected somewhere or not finding their current connections are stretching or relevant enough [without them needing to sever those ties]

Examples of possible activity:
  • Creative worship in the Foreshore Rail Sheds
  • A Movie at the Tower Cinemas and discussion at a Cafe
  • 'Make Poverty History' Fundraising Dinner
  • Dinner and Discussion
  • Story Sharing by a variety of those connecting with the group
  • Clean Up Australia Day Working Bee
  • Creation of Vox Pop Videos
  • Free Community BBQ with sponsors
  • Fundraising for Refugees
  • Forum on Climate Change

2009 a Beginning

Early in 2009 a short program of gatherings and discussions will be issued so people interested in exploring what 'Salt Factory' might become are able to contribute to shaping this endeavour!!
Ahead of this there will also be some conversations with others interested in mission and ministry in the city of Newcastle to make the idea known, to not tread on toes, but to shape partnerships and complimentary action in 'our town.'
I have started documenting a 'community calendar' of significant celebrations, markings, festivals and commemorations to shape what our events might look like!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Gathering Once a Month in 2009

Between now and early 2009 there will be an exploration of venues, needs, issues, events, interested people and other activities and communities so as to craft a space 'somewhere' in Newcastle!
People interested in participating in this kind of faith community will be welcome to 'have a go' and to participate in what 'Salt' might become!!

'Salt [Factory]' might include:
Live and CD Music
Self directed Stations
Flexible space
Life and faith explored
Variety month to month

As well as regular gatherings there might be: one off events; time to join a community initiative or cause e.g. Amnesty Letters, Fairwear, Fairtrade, Clean Up, Reconciliation; picnics; wider activity; conferences; or community events to join in!!!